UC Davis Students Can Now Choose the Name on Their Student ID

Starting today, current UC Davis students will have the option of being known (mostly) by the name of their choice. If your parents were a wee bit too creative and they blessed you with a moniker that is either unpalatable or unpronounceable, you can now change most of your UC Davis school records to reflect your chosen identity.

A recent UC Davis press release notes:

UC Davis is among a leading group of American universities to enact preferred name policies — believed to be especially attractive to students who want their names to reflect their gender identity and to international students who may choose English names for convenience and assimilation. 

Beginning March 27, students can set their preferred names through the online directory; the chosen names will then propagate automatically in other campus systems for identification cards, class rosters, grade reports and library interactions. New students have the option of selecting a preferred name upon indicating intent to register.

After inserting their preferred names in the online directory, continuing students can exchange their AggieCards at no cost during the spring quarter.

Legal first names will continue to be used for student accounts, financial aid, enrollment verification, transcripts and diplomas. Offices that handle these services interact with federal and state agencies that verify student identity using legal names and other information.

Incoming new and transfer students will also have the ability to choose their names as part of the indoctrination process each year.