Creating a multipurpose home office in your Davis apartment.
When you are planning your Davis apartment, whether you are a UC Davis student or have left college long ago, the home office is almost a necessity. Even in the largest apartment a home office needs to do double and triple duty.
If you are looking for some Davis home office inspiration, has compiled these cool links:
- Guest/play/craft room by House*Tweaking
- Guest and craft room from Riviera View
- Home office and guest room from the British site House to Home
- A home office and guest room from Lifehacker
- Nautical home office and guest room from Coastal Living on My Home Ideas
- Another home office and guest room from Country Living
- Ooh_food’s home office and guest room on Flickr
- And this cute little home office and guest room from the TV showDesign on a Dime
Read the whole article here.