Time To Tour: Tandem's communities with Saturday tour hours.
The Davis apartment-hunting frenzy is totally crazy out there this year. You may have THOUGHT you had weekend plans but you better schedule some time in your Saturday to find your next apartment. To deal with the high demand, Tandem has tours on Saturday. Here are the Saturday Davis apartment tour hours:
Adobe: Saturdays by appointment only. See if you can get some of the last few Roommate Program spaces. (Very popular.)
Arlington Farm: 11am-4pm. There are a few 2 bedrooms left.
Sundance Apartments: 11am-4pm. Leasing 1 beds soon.
Willows: 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Check out our remaining 2x1s and 2x2s.
Westgate Village (in Woodland): 12 noon to 4pm. We have an open waitlist for all apartment sizes.