46 Meals in 4 Hours for Less Than $100!
As far as cooking is concerned, we’re all about the fast and easy. Aturleslifeforme.com recently posted about how to make 46 meals in four hours for $95. We were so impressed, we had to share:
Freezer meals [are all] about sucking it up and committing to an afternoon of slaving away in the kitchen, because you know it will make life SO much easier for the next couple months.
First thing I do is look for sales! When I know I’m running low on meals and I see bags of onions are buy 1 get 1 free… well, that’s all the signs I need to get going!
My onions and potatoes were both B1G1. Woot, woot!!
Before I even get to the meat, I finely chop both bags of onions and 6 green peppers and finely grate a bag of carrots. Just keep these all in separate bowls and they’re all ready to go for whatever recipe you’re working on!
Then I wash all the potatoes and pop them in a 350 degree oven for about an hour.
I hit some massive meat sales this week and am thrilled with how little I spent! Nothing gets this girl excited like a good meat sale! : )
Anyways… while your potatoes are cooking, plop about 2 lbs. of ground beef and a bunch of onions, green peppers and carrots into a cast iron skillet and let it do it’s magic. (side note, I throw grated carrots into A LOT. The kids don’t know they’re eating it, it bulks up your meal for little cost and why not??). Once this is all cooked and cooled, divide into quart size freezer bags. You’ll be so glad to have these on hand! Pull out to add to spaghetti sauce, sloppy joes, nachos for unexpected company… the list is endless!
Want to learn the rest of the steps? Click on the link above.