"Welcome to Davis" Special Sections from The Davis Enterprise Available September 23-27
Last Sunday The Davis Enterprise published the first part of their “Welcome to Davis” special section (see pic to left). If you’re new to town, or if you’ve spent your time here buried under an avalanche of papers and lab reports, you need to hoppy-scop down to the Davis Enterprise office at 315 “G” Street and pick up these issues.
Part one on Sunday featured an “Only in Davis” section about what makes our town special. Part two on Tuesday featured “Our Community” highlights with where and how to get involved. Part three today promises enough “On Campus” info to make anyone a rabid UC Davis Aggie for life. Thursday will wrap it up with “On the Go” detailing local transportation and recreation opportunities.
The paper’s special sections feature everything from town demographics (where the hotties hang) to coupons for sushi. Really, what more do you need in life?