Tandem Foundation Makes over $30,000 in Grants to Davis Schools
We here at Tandem Properties are proud to announce that our corporation’s philanthropic arm, the Tandem Foundation, has announced their 2013 donation of grants to local Davis schools worth $30,517!
According to the Davis Enterprise newspaper:
New books and computers for school libraries, athletic equipment, support for public concerts by student musical ensembles, hands-on materials for teaching math and more iPads for diverse purposes at various schools — these were among the projects funded by grants by the Tandem Foundation, announced Tuesday.
It was the 13th year that Tandem has donated grants to support projects in the Davis school district.
“Investing in Davis schools is always a good thing to do,” said Tandem Properties partner Bill Roe [seen in the white striped shirt in the photo above at the presentation ceremony].
School board president Sheila Allen thanked the Tandem Foundation “for stepping forward as a major player, year after year, in support of our schools. This is part of what makes Davis so great.”
For a full list of the donations and to read the whole article from the Davis Enterprise, please follow the link.
Photo credit: Davis Enterprise